
WHR-G300N (v1)

主要参考文件 :
Flash from Buffalo stock firmware to DD-WRT
Refer WHR-G300N on DD-WRT WIKI

主機板訊息: WRTR-237GN_V02; 190-k05-7700R

Wireless MAC (SSID): 00-24-a5-3d-9f-e8
LAN MAC : 00-1d-73-11-11-12
WAN MAC : 00-1d-73-11-11-13

原廠 firmware 換成 DD-WRT 的過程:

1) 設定網路 IP :, NETMASK :, gateway :
2) 使用 "arp -a", 確認 有出現, ping 也正常回應
3) power off router
3) dos command> tftp -i PUT firmware.tftp, 並立即 power on router. 通常 router 只等你幾秒的時間

DD-WRT 啟動上有些困難, 原因還不是很清楚, 暫時解法如下:

使用 "arp -a", 確認 有出現
若無 ( cannot link with 00-1d-73-11-11-12),
1) ipconfig /flushdns
2) ipconfig /release
3) ipconfig /renew
4) "route print" 找出 INTERFACE ID
5) netsh interface ipv4 add neighbors %INTERFACE% %ROUTERIP% %ROUTERMAC%

事後, netsh interface ipv4 delete neighbors %INTERFACE%

LED display/Reset Button 不太正常, 暫時不理會

如何進入 U-BOOT command mode,
USB 轉 TTL+putty, speed : 57600, 啟動後立即按 "4", 而不是一般所說的 Ctl+C

不穩定, 不是每次都可進入? 應該是焊接工夫有問題

Serial port pin layout:
pin 1 : 3.3V (square pad)
pin 2 : Tx
pin 3 : Rx
pin 4 : GND

You can install the original encrypted buffalo firmware by decrypting it first. To do so follow these steps (on linux, will probably work on other systems too):

Decrypt original Buffalo firmware:
1) get the files buffalo-enc.c buffalo-lib.c buffalo-lib.h from firmware-mod-kit
2) Compile: gcc -o buffalo-enc buffalo.c buffalo-enc.c
3) Get the encrypted, original firmware from the buffalo website
4) Open the file in a binary editor and remove the first few bytes to just before "the second start(?)" section
./buffalo-enc -d -i infile.enc -o firmware.bin
5) follow the procedure on [Guide] Recovering a bricked Buffalo Airstation N450 Router (WZR-HP-G450H)

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