
ESP8266 機智雲開發板 ESP-12F Wifi模組 ESP-12E 增強版


  • 上板按鈕接到  <GPIO4> 接腳
  • RGB LED 控制分別接到 <GPIO15> 、<GPIO12> 和 <GPIO13> 接腳
  • CDS ( 光敏電阻 ) 的輸入訊號接到上板的 ADC 接腳
  • 不管 MicroUSB 埠使用上板的或是下板的,電壓只能使用 USB 供電範圍的電壓,也就是 DC 5V,不然就有可能燒壞下板晶片!


使用 NodeMCU

Tools to flash nodemcu-lua or micropython firmware

1. ESP8266 Flasher (參考 ESP8266: Reflash Dance!)
2. Nodemcu Flasher
3. Flash download tools
4. esptool : command mode
5. NodeMCU pyflasher : Self-contained NodeMCU flasher with GUI based on esptool.py and wxPython

注意 SPI MODE 的選取 : flash memory >= 4MB 時點選 DIO, others : QIO
Reference 1. NodeMCU docs

To enable ESP8266 firmware flashing GPIO0 pin must be pulled low before the device is reset. Conversely, for a normal boot, GPIO0 must be pulled high or floating.
If you have a NodeMCU dev kit then you don't need to do anything, as the USB connection can pull GPIO0 low by asserting DTR and reset your board by asserting RTS.
If you have an ESP-01 or other device without built-in USB, you will need to enable flashing yourself by pulling GPIO0 low or pressing a "flash" switch, while powering up or resetting the module.