
Task Scheduling Error : Event 100, Bonjour Service

暫時解法 :

Solution 1 : 解除安裝 Bonjour 服務.

Solution 2 : Adrian said : Apparently you can ignore this as the Bonjour service (used by iTunes) is quick to record it anytime it "thinks" it experiences an unreasonable delay. If you don't want the event in your logs, you can disable Bonjour (open Services, find Bonjour Service in the list, stop it and change the startup type to "Manual" or "Disabled").

Source: http://www.eventid.net/display-eventid-100-source-Bonjour%20Service-eventno-10659-phase-1.htm

The "Task Scheduling Error" type of problems seem to be a common issue on Windows 7 64 bit. Several users ended up stopping the service in order to avoid the logs being filled with these errors. They would only start the service when needed (iTunes needs this service in order to run properly).
From our experience, iTunes will start regardless of the status of the Bonjour service, however a warning is displayed saying that Bonjour is needed to access shared libraries. The warning will only be shown once so it won't bother you every time iTunes is started. In iTunes Preferences, the Sharing tab will display a message saying that the Bonjour service is required in order to use this feature.


安裝 iTunes 之後, 事件檢視器中, 持續出現類似以下的錯誤:

Task Scheduling Error: Continuously busy for more than a second
Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledEvent 7004
Task Scheduling Error: m->NextScheduledSPRetry 7004

2014/01/02 : 嘗試於 AP 防火牆中 disable “Filter multicast”. (還是會發生)

2014/01/04 : AP disable “Filter multicast” 之後, 仍然會發生 Event 100 ERROR; 決定解除安裝 Bonjour, and enable “Filter multicast” again. 觀察後續 iTunes 和 iPhone 搭配使用上是否會有問題.

2014/01/09 : 解壓縮 iTunes64Setup.exe 之後, 單獨安裝 Bonjour64.msi. 再觀察看看.(還是會發生)

2014/01/11 : 改變 Windows 防火牆-進階設定-輸入規則-Bonjour 服務 設定 : 4 rules –> 2 rules. .(還是會發生)
原本 : 設定檔(公用)+程式(32 bits or 64 bits mDNSResponder.exe)+通訊協定(TCP or UDP)
新版 : 設定檔(任何)+程式(32 bits or 64 bits mDNSResponder.exe)+通訊協定(任何)

2014/01/11 19:16 : disable AP DD-WRT SPI firewall .(還是會發生)

2014/01/12 05:32 改變網路卡電源管理, 允許電腦關閉這個裝置以節省電源 : Enabled->Disabled (還是會發生)

2014/01/12 09:20 將 iPod 服務由手動改為自動, Bonjour 服務防火牆設定如下 [不是我設的, 系統自己變成這樣] : (還是會發生)

2014/01/15 04:58 關閉 Windows Firewall ( Testing … )

2014/01/17 03:34 mDNSresponder.exe 改用 x86 版.(還是會發生)

2014/01/17 06:47 改變省電時間設定 ( 10/30 –> 20/20 ) .(還是會發生)


備註 1 : Bonjour 服務需要 UDP port 5353
備註 2 : 需要 Bonjour Service 才能和其他使用者共享音樂, 透過 AirPlay 揚聲器播放音樂, 連接 Apple TV 和使用 iPhone 和iPod touch 遙控器. (目前我似乎用不上)
備註 3 : iTunes64Setup.exe 實際上是一個壓縮檔, 可用 7z.exe 解壓縮.

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