
Debian GNU/Linux 參考卡片

來源 : "今天的 Tetralet 又在唧唧喳喳了", 為求正確, 請儘量以原作者之網站訊息為主.

man page 或 man bash取得所有命令及許多設定檔的線上說明。
command [--help, -h]大多數指令的簡要說明。
/usr/share/doc/[package-name/]可在此找到所有文件。或有 README.Debian 檔,內為快速指引。
Web documentation包含了參考文件、說明手冊、常見問答、實作指南等等。
位於 http://www.debian.org/doc/
位於 http://lists.debian.org/ 上的郵件論壇社群永遠在您身旁,請以 users 搜尋。
位於 http://wiki.debian.org/ 上的 Debian Wiki包含了各式各樣的實用資訊。
安裝程式所有的相關資訊位於 http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/
CD 影像檔可於 http://www.debian.org/distrib/ 下載
boot: expert例如:不藉由 DHCP 來設定網路,或用 LILO 來替代 GRUB。
位於 http://bugs.debian.org/ 上的錯誤追蹤系統所有現存及已解決的問題的相關資訊。
特定套件請參閱 http://bugs.debian.org/套件名稱/,使用 wnpp 來請求包裝新套件。
回報請參閱 http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting 上的指引
/etc/所有的系統設定檔皆位於 /etc/ 目錄裡。
editor files預設的文字編輯器。可能是 nanoemacsvi 或 joe
位於 http://hostname:631 上的 CUPS透過瀏覽器介面存取印表系統。
dpkg-reconfigure package-name重新設定套件,像是 console-common(鍵盤)或是 locales(區域化資訊)
update-alternatives options設定可替代的指令。
update-grub在修改了 /boot/grub/menu.lst 之後。
make-kpkg --initrd --revision=2:my.1.0 --rootcmd fakeroot --uc --us kernel_image由原始碼編譯 kernel 套件,在真的得使用自訂的 kernel 時。
需要 kernel-package
m-a a-i module kernel_image產生並安裝協力廠商模組 (gspca, ...)
需要 module-assistant
/etc/init.d/file restart重新啟動某個服務或系統常駐程式。
/etc/init.d/file stop停止某個服務或系統常駐程式。
/etc/init.d/file start啟動某個服務或系統常駐程式。
halt, reboot, poweroff停止、重新啟動、將系統關機。
重要的 Shell 指令
cat files將檔案列印到螢幕上。
cd directory切換目錄。
cp files dest複製檔案及目錄。
echo string將字串顯示至螢幕上。
gzip, bzip2 [-d] files壓縮/解壓縮檔案。
pager files顯示檔案內容。
ls [files]顯示檔案列表。
mkdir directory-names建立目錄。
mv file1 file2搬移、重新命名檔案。
rm files移除檔案。
rmdir dirs移除空目錄。
tar [c][x][t][z][j] -f file.tar [files]建立(C)、解開(X)、列出(T) 保存檔,z 或 j 分別用於 .gz 或 .bz2
find directories expressions使用像是 -name 名稱 或 -size +1000 等等來尋找檔案。
grep search-string files在檔案中尋找 search-string
kill [-9] number傳送訊號給程序。(如:終止它)
ln -s file link建立一個指向檔案的符號連結。
ps [options]顯示當前的程序。
su - [username]切換成另一個使用者。例如 root
sudo command讓一般使用者能以 root 來執行某個指令。請參閱 /etc/sudoers
command > file以指令的輸出結果替代檔案內容。
command >> file將指令的輸出結果附加於檔案之後。
cmd1 | cmd2將 cmd1 的輸出結果做為 cmd2 的輸入。
command < file將檔案內容作為指令的輸入。
APT (Advanced Packaging Tool)
APT (the Advanced Packaging Tool) is an evolution of the Debian .deb software packaging system. It is a rapid, practical, and efficient way to install packages on your system. Dependencies are managed automatically, configuration files are maintained, and upgrades and downgrades are handled carefully to ensure system stability.

apt-get is the command-line tool for working with APT software packages.

apt-get update更新列於 /etc/apt/sources.list 的套件檔案庫中的套件列表。
apt-cache search search-string在套件及其說明文字中搜尋 search-string
apt-cache policy package-names顯示可用套件的版本及優先權。
apt-cache show package-names顯示套件的資訊及其說明文字。
apt-cache showpkg package-names顯示套件的被相依(相依於它的套件)關係。
apt-get install package-names從檔案庫裡安裝套件及其相依套件。
apt-get upgrade將所有已安裝套件更新為最新版。
apt-get dist-upgrade類似於 apt-get upgrade,但有著更佳的衝突解決機制。
apt-get remove package-names移除套件及所有相依於它的套件。
apt-get autoremove移除不再和其它套件有相依關係的套件。
apt-cache depends package-names列出該套件的所有相依套件。
apt-cache rdepends package-names列出相依於該套件的所有套件。
apt-file update由套件檔案庫中更新套件列表。請參閱 apt-get update
apt-file search file-name用檔案來搜尋套件
apt-file list package-name列出套件的內容。
auto-apt必要時自動安裝套件,可用來取代 apt-file
需要 auto-apt
aptitudeAPT 的文字介面。
需要 aptitude
synapticAPT 的圖形介面。
需要 synaptic
dpkg -l [names]列出套件。
dpkg -I pkg.deb顯示套件資訊。
dpkg -c pkg.deb列出套件檔的內容。
dpkg -S filename顯示某個檔案是屬於哪個套件。
dpkg -i pkg.deb安裝套件檔。
需要 debsums
dpkg-divert [options] file變更套件裡某個檔案的檔案位置。
dpkg --compare-versions v1 gt v2比較版本號,用 echo $? 來檢視結果。
dpkg-query -W --showformat=format查詢已安裝套件,輸出格式為 '${Package} ${Version} ${Installed-Size}\n'。
dpkg --get-selections > file將套件狀態寫入檔案。
dpkg --set-selections < file利用檔案來設定套件狀態。
ifup, ifdown [device]根據以上的檔案來啟用、關閉網路介面。
需要 iproute
ssh -X user@host登入其它的機器。
scp files user@host:path將檔案複製到其它機器(或是相反)
Web 伺服器 (Apache2)
/etc/apache2/sites-available/包含了虛擬主機。可用 a2ensite 來啟用某個虛擬主機。
/etc/apache2/mods-available/包含了可用的模組。可用 a2enmod 來啟用某個模組。
檔案及列印伺服器 (Samba)
smbclient瀏覽 SMB 網路資源,像是下載或上傳檔案。


How do I run update-grub2 from a LiveCD?

Boot with your Live CD (ex. partedmagic...).
Once it boots, open a terminal and mount your Debian partition on /mnt. I'm assuming the Debian partition is /dev/sda5, but you should determine this yourself (fdisk -l). Let me know if you need help to do this:
sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt
Then mount a few more directories that are needed:
sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
Also, if you have a separate Debian boot partition (pretty uncommon these days, but it may be the case):
sudo mount /dev/sdaX /mnt/boot
How can you tell if you have a boot partition?
Once you have your Debian partition mounted, open /mnt/etc/fstab. If you see an entry for /boot, note which device it is pointing to (/dev/sda4 maybe?). This is the one you have to mount.
Once these are mounted, do chroot to start using the mounted directory as the root partition:
sudo chroot /mnt
You'll get a #/ prompt. First thing to do is confirm that you're using the correct /boot directory. Go to /boot/grub and look at the files there. There should be a bunch of .mod files and a grub.cfg file. If the directory is empty, don't continue, because it means this is NOT your actual boot directory. Look above to see how to determine if you need to mount an additional boot directory.
Once you've confirmed that /boot/ contains the correct files, meaning that it is the correct location, type:
sudo update-grub2
This should rebuild your /boot/grub/grub.cfg file with the menu entries.
Then exit the chroot:
At this point you may want to check that things were correctly updated. For this, cd /mnt/boot/grub and check that grub's files are there, there should be a bunch of .mod files and grub.cfg, the latter should have entries for your Debian kernels. If you only see grub.cfg and no .mod files, it means that this is NOT the correct boot directory, look above for how to mount a separate boot partition.
Unmount the filesystems:
sudo umount /mnt/dev
sudo umount /mnt/sys
sudo umount /mnt/proc
sudo umount /mnt/boot #Only if you mounted it earlier
sudo umount /mnt/
And then reboot, hopefully your Grub menu will be restored.


開機時,BIOS 有偵測到硬碟,但是 GRUB 無法執行,所以判定是 GRUB 有問題。


  • 用 Live usb 開機
  • Clonezilla UEFI 開機

用 Live Debian 開機,修改GRUB

做好 Live Debian USB 後,先在 BIOS 設定 UEFI 開機,再插入 USB。
進入到 Debian後,開啟 terminal, 查看硬碟的內容,將 /dev/sda2(根目錄分割區) 掛載到 /mnt, 再將 /dev/sda1(EFI 分割區) 掛載到 /mnt/boot/efi。

# fdisk -l   // 看分割區內容
# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
# for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi
# chroot /mnt
# grub-install /dev/sda

// 如果遇到 efi variable....
// 退出 chroot
# modprobe efivarfs  // 載入 efi 模組
# for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done
# chroot /mnt
# grub-install /dev/sda
# update-grub
# reboot


Windows 7 KB3205402 無法更新成功

KB3205402 : Microsoft .NET framework 3.5, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, and 4.6.2 updates

若無法更新, 試試手動離線安裝 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2(離線安裝程式).
若還是不行, 再往下嘗試其他版本的 Microsft .NET framework 離線安裝程式


Quick and Easy Way to List All the Windows Updates Installed on Your System

Source 1 : Quick and Easy Way to List All the Windows Updates Installed on Your System

Every month there is another bunch of updates (also called hotfixes) for Windows. After a few months, they pile up to quite a collection. If you have to reinstall Windows or for some other reason you would like know which ones have been previously installed on your computer, a list of the hotfixes on your PC might be handy.

Some programs, such as Belarc Advisor, will include a list of updates in an overall analysis of what is on your computer. This type of comprehensive survey of your computer’s contents is worthwhile but there is also an easier way to get a list of Windows updates. This method takes advantage of the command line and requires no installation of additional software. Open the command prompt  and enter this command:

wmic qfe list brief /format:htable > "%USERPROFILE%\hotfix.html"

This produces a nicely formatted list in an HTML file named hotfix.html that gets placed in the User folder. You can, of course, change the destination to some other convenient location. If there are any spaces in the name of a folder that you choose, don’t forget to wrap the destination name in quotes, as is done in the commands given in this tip.

If you would rather have a text file, the command would be:

wmic qfe list brief /format:texttablewsys > "%USERPROFILE%\hotfix.txt"

If you prefer not to copy and paste a command into a command prompt, there is a little batch file available at this link.  It will produce the HTML file mentioned above.

And there it is. Now you have an easy way to keep track of those constant updates.


Windows Update 檢查更新卡住修正

藉由反覆重新啟動 windows update 服務, 有時可能需要重開機, 嘗試單獨安裝 KB3020369 or KB3172605.

Reference 1 : Checking for updates slow on Windows 7? Here is the fix
Reference 2 : [Fix] Windows 7 Keeps Checking for Updates for Hours
Reference 3 : The core of the Win7 update scan slowdown

Stef: yes i have a solution, star task manager and end the process of the manual update that is running, then go to control panel > administrative tools > service > windows update > restart, wait for win update restart. now you are able to install the manual updates for some minutes.... if those are not installed yet they will be installed. restart windows if needed, and repeat the sequence for the others manual updates remained to install. You will find that some of those are installed yed. then go to install the others updates.

TO download the ms updates from ms sites, you need Opera browser that is not hiding the download links and the download text messages...

Today in this tutorial, we are going to address one of the most annoying and strange problems present in Windows 7 operating system. This problem is related to built-in Windows Update program which regularly checks for new updates at Microsoft servers and downloads and installs them in Windows OS to keep your computer safe and faster.
Several Windows 7 users have reported that when they try to check for new updates using Windows Update, it keeps checking for updates for hours. The progress bar keeps showing progress animation which makes you think that Windows Update is doing something but even after waiting for hours, nothing happens. Windows Update just gets stuck at "Checking for updates" screen and Windows 7 doesn't download and install any update.
It also affects overall system performance and if you check Task Manager, the Svchost.exe process occupies high CPU resources and memory usage. Most of the times this issue occurs after a fresh/clean installation of Windows 7.
Many users have reported that they even waited for more than 24 hours but Windows Update just stuck at "Checking for updates" status and they couldn't install any update in their computers.
The reason behind this irritating problem is a little bit funny! Actually Microsoft has released a few updates for the Windows Update client program. These updates upgrade the client program version and improve its functionality. It seems Microsoft has changed the way Windows Update client downloads and installs updates from Microsoft servers and only the new updated client is able to download updates from the servers, that's why the older versions of Windows Update client are unable to download updates from Microsoft servers.
If the new updates which upgrade Windows Update client version, are not installed in a Windows 7 machine, it starts giving this annoying issue and the Windows Update program hangs at "Checking for updates" screen and never downloads updates from Microsoft servers.
There are a few working solutions to fix this problem. We are providing all these solutions below. You can follow these solutions one by one until your problem gets resolved:
SOLUTION 1: Install Required Updates for Windows Update Client Manually
This is the best and easiest solution to fix this problem! You just need to install the required updates manually which upgrade the Windows Update client program and once you install these updates, Windows Update will be able to download and install updates from Microsoft servers without any problem.
Thanks to our readers DavidBillTrollBytes and Steve for sharing the required updates list and providing their valuable inputs.
You need to download and install following updates manually:
These updates will upgrade the Windows Update client and will make some improvements to the client program. These updates are available for both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) editions of Windows 7 operating system. You can know which edition of Windows 7 are you using with the help of System Properties window in Control Panel.
UPDATE: Our reader "Dan" reported that you might also need to install following updates to solve this issue:
For your convenience, we are providing direct download links of these updates. You can download the updates quickly and easily from following links:
For Windows 7 32-bit (x86) edition:
For Windows 7 64-bit (x64) edition:
After installing these updates, restart your computer and then check for new updates using Windows Update. It may take 20-30 minutes or 1 hour depending upon the speed of your Internet connection and then Windows Update will show you list of all available updates. Now Windows Update will no longer stick at "Checking for updates" screen.
NOTE: You may need to temporary stop Windows Update service before installing above mentioned updates. You can run net stop wuauserv command in Command Prompt to temporary stop Windows Update service before installing each update.
You can also use Services Manager program to stop Windows Update service. Check out METHOD 7 in following tutorial to learn more about it:
SOLUTION 2: Install All Updates Using Official Convenience Rollup Package
Microsoft has released a convenience rollup pack for Windows 7 which installs almost all available updates released after SP1 (Service Pack 1) of Windows 7. So if you install this convenience rollup pack in your Windows 7 machine, it'll automatic upgrade Windows Update client version and your problem will be solved.
To learn how to download and install this convenience rollup pack, check out following article:
SOLUTION 3: Reset Windows Update Components and Services
Sometimes these kind of problems may occur due to corrupted components and services related to Windows Update. In past, we have posted a batch script to reset Windows Update components and services to fix such kind of issues.
You can download and run the Windows Update reset script from following article:
SOLUTION 4: Use Windows Update Troubleshooter and Fixit Tool
Windows 7 provides a built-in troubleshooter to fix issues related to Windows Update. You can run the built-in troubleshooter to repair Windows Update program. Microsoft also provides an official Fixit tool to fix Windows Update related problems.
You can learn more about the built-in troubleshooter and official Fixit tool in following article:
SOLUTION 5: Use Custom DNS Settings for Your Internet Connection
Sometimes this problem may also occur due to your Internet connection if the DNS server of your ISP is not updated. You can use external DNS settings to get faster and reliable Internet connection which may also solve Windows Update related problems.
To learn how to use custom DNS settings in Windows, check out following tutorial:
SOLUTION 6: Use Built-in System File Checker (SFC) Tool
If some files and settings related to Windows Update are corrupted or missing in your Windows OS, it may also cause such kind of issues. You can repair Windows and restore default system files with the help of built-in SFC tool.
You can learn more about SFC tool and how to use it by going through METHOD 4 in following tutorial:
=== === === === === === === === ===
That's it. The above mentioned solutions will definitely help you in fixing this annoying issue in Windows 7  as well as other Windows versions.

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Posted in: TroubleshootingWindows 7

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  • Thanks.
    Very good summary of the solutions. Good work. Again it was and is, worth to be in Your newsletter list.
  • I doubt if any of these methods work, as MS is making it very difficult to update new copy of windows7, especially 64bit.
    I have tried Updates Using Official Convenience Rollup Package, but even after 90minutes, there was no show of updates.
    Also tried Fixit tool, but it says no issues found.
    I had similar problem with 32bit OS, but I solved it after updating the Windows Update Client to a specific one.
    btw, the KBs listed in the post above are all for Windows Update Client, last one being the latest. Do you still recommend installing them all?
    Just an FYI that a fresh 64bit WIn7 without sp1 showed updates in less than 4 minutes.
    Looking forward for your response.
  • VG
    ^^ Those all updates were listed as a precaution. I have checked on several Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit machines and installing those updates fixed the problem.
  • 01. Enable Automatic Update (leaving the 03H00).
    02. Leave the PC on overnight
    03. Re-start the computer the next day,
    04. Repeat the process until it is possible to see the progress bar or until no more updates.
    05. After 3/4 days all Updates are installed.
    06. Back to configure the update manual.
    07. Install all necessary programs.
    (NOTE: This happens to be many computers trying to access updates, and few servers to provide updates, soon to leave your computer at some point this can connect to the server and update)
    Works starting the Widows 7 SP1.
  • I'm on Windows 7 SP1 x86
    To resolve this issue:
    - first install KB3145739 manually. Go to Microsoft website to download and then install, even if your Installed History already shows this update. Download page:
    - next you should restart and finally you can check for updates in manual mode.
    It takes between 5 or 10 minutes.
    It worked for me! Thanks to: Chooky :-)
  • Vishal Sir,
    Is it necessary to install these updates in the same order as shown above or we can install them i any random order ?
  • VG
    ^^ It would be better if you install them in the mentioned order.
  • Thank you Sir.
    Much obliged
  • Usually long on the checking for updates, it also affects the install updates manually. I've downloaded all the KB that is on the list above, but when I open the file, after that it just keeps "Searching for updates on this computer..." dialog box for long time, just like "checking for updates" on the Windows Update. Usually after that KB name file dialog box appears, and it's not. Any solution?
  • VG, I wanted to say THANK YOU!!
    I work on computers on a regular basis. I have not had any issues installing updates until last week. I first suspected that it was a bad update from Patch Tuesday. I had several computers that would hang on "Checking for updates". I uninstalled updates one by one, same issue. I tried multiple attempts of troubleshooting for hours and so-called solutions with no luck. I wiped one of the laptops and installed a fresh install of Windows 7 64-bit. I had the same issue with hanging on "Checking for updates". I found your solution 6/23/16. I was able to use SOLUTION 1: Install Required Updates for Windows Update Client Manually, with great success. It worked perfect. It works on 32 bit and 64 bit. I am extremely grateful for your help!!!
  • Finally found something appropriate. I spent 3 of the last 5 days fighting to download and install updates on a Win 7 x64 home edition. Not having problems with Win 7 x64 Pro. Both laptops have only had manual updates, but the HE is my child's and she neglects maintenance.
    Anyway, her HP will not even install the updates. Just keeps "checking for updates" after I open the individual file. Also, only a blank page when I link to the support site. If I open it in "InPrivate", the page comes up. I click the download and it hangs. I think MS is not recognizing the HP as registered. Also notice my CBS log folders files have locks on them. I click on the SUR.log to open it and it says 'Access is denied'. I think this is why Windows Update is not working in my case. I cannot access the Server.
  • Gianni,
    KB3145379 is a critical security update for Windows. It should have no bearing on getting WUpdates to work again. Also, the first update listed, KB3050265, is a blocker for Win10 garbage. If you manually install updates, you will hide all of your Win10 and telemetry patches anyway.
    VG, I was unable to get any of the updates to do anything but pop up with 'Searching for Updates'.
    My issue as well as others, is that the update Clients have changed since January, the MS and FixIt links have changed or have stopped support, and Microsoft is failing miserably with the 10 rollout. My solution to this mess was to stop WUpdates on all of our computers. Keep your AV, Firewall, SAS, CCleaner running and use InPrivate and SmartScreen on IE.
    Incidentally, I reset IE11 and it took me to a third-party installer, ending in Microsoft.net. Found out it is a 'new' thing related to Azure. I basically reinstalled IE11. Option to run MS Updates set WUpdates to Automatically install. It looked the Settings and said I had to have Admin rights. I do. Found a registry fix in MS support. Cool trick, reversed the 'Lock" and I set WUpdate to not do anything.
  • Stay away from Convenience Rollup (KB3125574) it has many issues:
    For me the main problem was the SFC integrity error, also it didn't fix my windows update.
    I tried everything here and nothing worked, the only way was to install these 2:
  • Not working here either, installed all those updates mentioned in this topic with no luck. Not really sure if Microsoft servers are struggling or what but Windows Update worked much better last year. I even tried a clean install to fix all plausible hidden bugs and erros.
  • @Dan
    Thanks mate, after installing those 2 updates Windows Update found new updates in seconds.
  • solution 1 is the best of all
    I just returned from windows 10 and was fighting with the updates
    Long life to Windows 7
  • Installing the updates to Windows Update will result in becoming victimized by Microsoft's unscrupulous, aggressive and invasive tactics to force the Windows 10 operating system upgrade on your computer.
  • Followed every step of your tutorial, in the final reboot, after ~60min of checking updates finally I got updates!!! And I can download them too!!!
    Thanks for your valuable time creating this awesome tutorial :D
  • Very nice help I've got here. I had this problem and I finally got the update working with a combination of solution 1 and 2.
    I'll explain (in bad english): I startet with solution 1, but the update KB3161608 would not work no my computer (I actually found it much earlier from another website-solution). So I went on to solution 2 (though I must admit, that you could rewrite that solution in its own article). It went well, but my update was not working. So now I tried the KB missing from before, and behold: I could now install that update, and everything is now fine. Finally...
    I also went through a scan in cmd (i did not understand completly), and it found some problem and fixed it before I got to theese solutions here...
    I had the same problem on another computer, but there I could just flush dns... ("ipconfig /flushdns".
    This is really an annoying problem, but then again. If I didn't like challenges, I would not be using Microsoft... :p
    Anyway. Thanks so much for this article!
  • Hi
    i found out about a new one KB3172605
    i found also a little error about script to windows update (there should be no space between Windows and Update in that script
    METHOD 2: Using Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
    If you are using Windows 7 Home Basic or Home Premium edition, you'll not be able to run gpedit.msc command because these editions don't come with Group Policy Editor. But you can enable Group Policy Editor in these editions using this tutorial.
    If you can't use or don't want to use Group Policy Editor, you can take help of Registry Editor for the same task. Just follow these simple steps:
    1. Type regedit in RUN or Start Menu search box and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.
    2. Now go to following key:
    3. Create a new key under Windows key and set its name as Windows Update
    4. Now in right-side pane, create a new DWORD DisableOSUpgrade and set its value to 1
  • I was fixing another computer and came back to this article. KB3161608 file is not available anymore, according to its page the update is superseded by KB3172605.
    Also not related but I've tried to download updates from non direct links on chrome and it didn't work on 2 computers, had to use IE.
  • VG
    Thanks guys for the heads up. I have updated the article with new information.
  • KB3172605 needs KB3020369 to be installed before, at least KB3020369 doesn't require restart.
  • VG
    ^^ Thanks. Updated the tutorial.
  • Hi
    as i have readed somewhere
    kb3065987 do replaces KB3020369
    KB3168965 replaces KB3161664 .. Info site about that update
  • THANK YOU. After four days of googling, installing, restarting, waiting, re-googling..., your list of updates did it.
    Thank you thank you.
  • I had a similar issue to this with a fresh install (August 2016). After installing SP1, I was no longer able to receive updates. It turns out, it was getting stuck on Windows 10 checks and not giving me more updates. I installed Never 10, and magically I was able to update again. lol. It showed me the 184 important updates it already knew I needed.
    Silly Windows...
  • Stef: yes i have a solution, star task manager and end the process of the manual update that is running, then go to control panel > administrative tools > service > windows update > restart, wait for win update restart. now you are able to install the manual updates for some minutes.... if those are not installed yet they will be installed. restart windows if needed, and repeat the sequence for the others manual updates remained to install. You will find that some of those are installed yed. then go to install the others updates.
    TO download the ms updates from ms sites, you need Opera browser that is not hiding the download links and the download text messages...
  • I had to install Windows6.1-KB3172605-x64.msu , now is working ,thank you for the guide.
  • It's Absurd the number of kb client updates, EIGHT . And i update every month ,never it proposed me to install KB3172605 ,and without it ,it Could not to update the whole windows 7 x64, it was trying hours and hours to get updates but no clue how to solve, to get KB3172605 ,restart win update via SERVICES (inside administrative tools, inside control panel) and update it manually (using KB3172605) and then trying again to update windows with windows update ,wait for other 20 or 30 minutes and solve the situation. Damned microsoft.
  • Thank you guys, I installed W7 today and was struggling with WU till 3am this sunday/monday night and I found this guide, installed the 5 updates, and after the last one tried windows update and saw "Downloading 237 updates .....".
  • Manual install KB3172605 alone saved me!
  • Solution 1 really saved me, I like to thank you all who share it. I highly suspect that Microsoft making updates for Win 7 as difficult as possible to force people to switch to Win 10 which would be an immoral practice and could only hurt their reputation.
  • These solutions -◦
    KB3050265 (Also read this)
    Were kind of a catch 22. When executed, they look for updates on the computer, that is part of the problem, besides windows updates. Why don't they just install, and for get about the updates?
  • Solution 1 rocks!! Both for my laptop and desktop.
    Thank you very much, after long stumbling and research this helped.
    2 problems solved: Message "downloading updates", but nothing download and "searching updates", but nothing found.
    please go on with this very helpfull tutorials,
  • Thanks alot!
  • THANK YOU! After a month of researching this problem and finding no solutions, your instructions worked where others I found across the internet failed! I too ran into the problem of these updates you listed sticking like glue on "searching for updates on this computer." Enrico's response to Stef to start SERVICES and restart Windows Update as a solution that would temporarily allow the updates to install worked! I only needed the latest two as I already had the others installed from before. I was last able to install updates on 6/17/16 before today. I have Windows 7 64-bit installed on a second Bootcamp partition of my MacBook Pro. This experience has left me wanting to abandon Microsoft forever!
    Windows Update is now again finding updates and downloading them after two months of constant stonewalling and intense annoyance. Thank you again! This was really beginning to piss me off!
  • I should have came to this site first! after three days of apparent but unsuccessful researching and steps taken. I finally landed here and after completing the first step I'm updating!
    Smh, I can't tell you enough how helpful all this information has been and the explanation that you give makes perfect shrewd business sense, which equals to frustration for consumers still on windows 7..
    "It seems Microsoft has changed the way Windows Update client downloads and installs updates from Microsoft servers and only the new updated client is able to download updates from the servers, that's why the older versions of Windows Update client are unable to download updates from Microsoft servers."
    you deserve a donation.
  • Even the stand-alone installer won't work...it too gets stuck 'searching for already installed updates" and won't budge. I found another website that shows a way to manually reset windows update components using a command prompt. If I can't get my system to stabilize I'm going to have to re-install my OS anyways so I am tempted to try the DOS method. The problem is Microsoft in it's infinite greed and cheapness did not include a system disk with my last computer and my system image failed so I have to contact them and order the disk using the registration key on the computer. I really really HATE Microsoft about now! They purposely sabotaged 7 to force people to leave it and move to 10 out of pure disgust. The countless DAYS I have spent trying to get my computer working properly again can never be recovered. I think it's odd that my PC is about to crash and burn with 7 but the notebook I am using right now doesn't have those issues.
  • I read some other posts here and saw one person having this issue and suggested turning on then off the Windows Update process in Services. So far the first two stand-alone updates have worked (2nd one just finished installing).
    I'll post again and let everyone know if I finally get my WU to work correctly.
  • Amazing. I was getting worried since i installed service pack 1 on my windows 7. but after installing all the updates listed it worked. it took about 15 minutes or so to come up but it did eventually. Thank you.
  • As stated, I am reporting back:
    Out of the original set, the ones ending in 2810 and 8612 gave me "Not applicable to your computer". I got the same with one of the next 3 listed (the one ending in 1664). Otherwise, all the rest installed correctly, Windows Update took a little while but it finally downloaded all the latest important update and a display graphics driver update for AMD. System seems to running much faster now. I made sure to create a restore point when everything was done.
  • Thank You VERY MUCH.
    I was happy reading Your instructions, I got the feeling that this guys knows what they are speaking about. I was quite sure about success so I was not suprised when I now after 2 days of fighting got this new Computer to work. I have tried everything.
    This is one of the cases where I should want to send a big Invoice to this %¤#)& Microsoft and uncle Bill. Their points 1 Kelvin.
    Thank You for Your very good work and for sharing it!
  • To all of you having problems 'manually' installing the updates in solution 1 you have to download the files and save them to your hard drive (or some removable media), then disconnect from the internet, then install them. Otherwise most of them will get stuck in the same loop of looking for updates. The key is to disconnect from the internet. Once you do that they will say looking for updates for a minute or two then give you the option to go ahead and install them.
    The reason it doesn't work while connected is they are looking for the latest version of the very update you are attempting to install. No internet and they give up after a minute or two.
  • Also, make sure an restart/reboot every time you are prompted to. Don't keep going and try to restart just once as it has a nasty habit of causing problems/conflicts.
  • Wow! I never make comments on blogs. This one absolutely commends that I do. I installed the five above. Reboot. Hit check for updates and voila, there were 242 waiting to be installed.
    Thanks much!!!
  • WOW, thankyou so much. I have spent soooooooooo much time looking around the net for an answer and here it was. THANKYOU
  • Thanks so much. Solution 1 worked for me. However, some of the updates required Windows Update Service to be 'stopped'. I can't tell you how relieved I am to get this working again...
  • Thank you! It works! I found that I had to do the manual installs right after boot up. If I waited, the "automatic windows check" would run in the background and the manual installs would not work. Don't ask me why, but that was the case.
  • Read through this and several other pages and was finally able to aggregate a solution:
    Download the Following patches manually:
    Now as other users pointed out, installing thes individually will trigger the service to check for updates before installing. Heres how I got around this:
    To Bypass the installationcheck:
    Stop the WindowsUpdate service via GUI (services.msc) or via elevated (running as admin) command line (net stop wuauserv).
    Now install the 1 MSU update and stop WindowsUpdate service again and install the 2nd MSU file, and so on (be sure to stop the service after every install)
    Reboot the computer and search for updates. If updates do not appear for download in 15 minutes, repeat the above process with KB3125574, which will push the cumulative rollup from windows, and includes all updates through around June 2016.
  • Thanks so much for this page. . . been to a ton of other web pages including microsoft solutions and this (Solution 1) was the only one that worked - following clean re-install of Windows 7.
    I will just note , in solution Number 1 for the 32-bit edition of Windows 7, specifically the 8 direct download links : The 6th download [ KB3161664 ] took at least 5 times longer to install - not the installation itself , but the "Searching for updates on this computer" stage which happens just prior to installation. If anyone else has that problem, just be a little bit patient and see if it completes.
    Cheers, askvg, and David, Bill, TrollBites and Steve.
  • Windows 7 update takes forever after new install....tried many solutions but then ask get.com .com website gave solution.....Like Dan said removed internet cable and install KB 3172605 and boom update started to work....u Guys deserved award....thanks for help.God bless
  • did the trick!!!...Thanx a bunch!!!
  • really thanks
    I have lost 24 hours for the solution and your post worked with me
  • I recently purchased a refurbished laptop on ebay with Windows 7, SP1. (This is the same as a new install.) I tried all the Microsoft fixes to update Windows, but nothing worked. I followed your advice in Solution 1. Had to restart after every install. Then, BOOM, the updates started flowing in. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!
  • thanks a lot for your efforts , windows updates works very fine thanks to you.
  • Thanks so much.
    Solution 1 worked for me
  • Solution 1 with some minor adjustmens worked:
    - noticed that next msu "hanged" in looking for updates once the previous one had been installed. My solution was to kill the WUSA process and boot just in case. Then next one went in with no prob. Those "optional ones" in end of list were probably not needed.
    - after last boot, Windows Update automatically announced 265 critical updates plus 11 optional ones.
    - Oh and thanks for the Group Policy tip on how to eliminate the W10 update suggestion(s), which have actively ruined one perfectly running W7 pc and crippled another one (from 2007 and 2008), due to missing drivers.
    All the best, this saved a lot of hassle.
    I guess many non-technically oriented people happily use their W7 and wonder not why no updates. Having done some W7 installations in later few years, I was pretty sure there should have been tons of updates which suspicion got me finally here.
    Good work! And many thanks.
  • Hi, please install this update before trying the above updates and it worked for me.
    32 bit: microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=52214
    64 bit: microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=52232
    After installing this update, reboot the computer and install all above mentioned updates.
    Good luck!
  • THANK YOU! I have been jerking around with this for two days, trying useless things from different web sites. The updater is working now, after I manually installed the 8 updates that you listed. Thanks!
  • My problem non downloading of windows 7 ultimate solved
    thanks a lot
  • Thank you!!!!! Finally the correct solutions. After over a month of trying every fix I could find, this one work! I used solution 1 For Windows 7 64-bit (x64) edition:
    It almost didn't work as I ran into the problem of not being able to install it, as now the install was stuck searching forever. Thankfully, reading the comments about turning off the windows update in the service section allowed the installs to work.
    10 minutes after completion I had updates to download (1 gig worth haha) and my CPU is no longer constantly maxed out by windows update.
  • Solution 1 seems to be working for me. Disabled windows update service in services.msc and installed all 8 KBs. At least two had already been installed in mine, don't remember which. I was able to see updates after 2 reboots (some of these KB updates required reboot).
  • Not all updates mentioned are really needed - you should use the newest one only as they do replace one another from time to time.
    Today the latest update touching WU client is Kb3161647 that can be installed as part of June rollup update: support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/3179573
  • Try the Windows Update hotfix from Microsoft,
    That did the trick for me.
  • Method-1 worked fine. Thanks!!
    The only comment:
    Before downloading the first KB in the list, you need to stop Windows Update Service as follows:
    1. Start > in the search type "services" and click on Services
    2. Go down to Windows Update and right click on it, then Properties
    3. In the new window that was opened, change Startup Type to Manual
    4. Click OK
    5. Restart the PC
    Now you are ready to download and install the KB's in the list.
  • The first solution works for me.
  • Solution 1 is great. Stop Windows update service every time you run a stand alone updater that works really! Yes run one by one and every time before that stop update in services . Great Sir !
  • AMEN!! I've been dealing with this update issue for about three weeks now and have tried so many fixes that I end up doing a clean install just to get back to having a windows update problem. I had a problem installing these updates manually,
    Direct Download Link of KB3050265 Update (64-bit or x64)
    Direct Download Link of KB3065987 Update (64-bit or x64)
    Direct Download Link of KB3102810 Update (64-bit or x64)
    Direct Download Link of KB3135445 Update (64-bit or x64)
    Direct Download Link of KB3138612 Update (64-bit or x64)
    Direct Download Link of KB3161664 Update (64-bit or x64)
    Direct Download Link of KB3020369 Update (64-bit or x64)
    Direct Download Link of KB3172605 Update (64-bit or x64)
    But found it impossible to get past "checking for updated on this computer" until I stopped the update with a command prompt. THANK YOU!!
  • Thank you very much. After 2 days of struggle it is updated at last.
    God bless you.
  • My PC was stuck with this "checking for updates" problem and after searching the internet none of the fixes seemed to work for me and many of the recommended fixes were pretty complex. So then I happened upon this site with very basic manual download instructions and my problem is now resolved. I found that I had to restart the PC after each of the 8 manual updates listed as the installer would not work otherwise. After all 8 manual updates were installed and PC rebooted it only took 7 minutes to find out that my PC was lacking 187 important updates. Windows Updates now working again, many thanks.
  • Did what was suggested in the article and it worked for me to.
    Before I did the solution I installed the rollup package manually, saved me some downloads!
    But thank you!
  • Thanks once again VG!
    By the way, any chance of something like this for Vista x64?
    Got a machine with Vista installed, play games on it, got 31 installed, so I don't like to upgrade. We Visties have the same issue with W.U.
  • Wow! Just installing KB3172605 did the trick. After installing that one item, the wait period for new updates to start downloading was only 10 MINUTES. I had just about given up trying to install updates since nothing was happening hour after hour.
    Hats off and Cheers to you!
  • Ugh. Why does MS have such a major problem fixing even the simplest of bugs????
  • I did a clean install of Windows 7 Ultimate and the couple of hundred updates were nowhere to be found. I downloaded and installed seven of these files and now it's downloading updates like it didn't know any better. Good Deal!
  • I confirm that the solution 1 is the correct and working solution for this Microbug.
    Thank you.
  • Great job! And thank you so much.
    I am happy to say that your solution was clear, simple and worked perfectly. The explanation of the reasoning behind the whole problem was also helpful for me. I had already spent a bunch of time trying to fix the update issue and nothing was working. Simply manually running the required 7 updates fixed the problem I was having on two of my Win 7 computers. Update is now working perfectly.
  • many thanks-worked great and it took about ten minutes to find 200 plus updates.cool.
  • Wanted to thank you for this. For me the update has only been stuck for a month for no apparent reason (last updates installed late september '16 and it is now october). Solution 1 wound up working for me, namely installing KB3161664. Already had the other two Dan suggested on my PC. Now installing updates, 7/20 done.
  • Thank you so much!! Solution 1 worked for me. I tried other solutions to no avail, and then I came across this. Thank you!!!
  • Thank you so much!!! The first solution fixed my problem!
  • This should be an indication to all that Microsoft is pure greed and evil, as they try to force more and more intrusive OS down our throats. It gives us less control over settings and tweaks but gives them more control as they collect and disseminate (sell) information about our every move, purchase, search, contact, post and sale. It is disgusting and vile. So much worse than the taxation from the British which brought about the Boston tea party. Open source must prevail.
  • I just wish to add that this solution with the 8 patches worked great for me on both W7 pro computers. Key for success for me was uninstalling 445 & 605 which were previously loaded in efforts to fix updates, as well as disconnecting from the internet while installing. On my laptop rebooting was necessary when I loaded a 'stand alone' which wanted to keep searching the computer. I just rebooted and repeated the install and it worked slick.
    Thanks everyone who contributed.
  • Thanks, solution 1 worked like a charm. 28-Oct-2016. Regards, Liviu
  • Thanks so much guys I followed the method1 and BOOOOOOOOM WORKS!!!!!!
    Thanks so much again, have a nice day!! WEEEEE
  • Hi,
    I've had this problem for weeks and weeks and had tried so many different things to fix the problem but nothing worked until I found this page!
    I used Method 1 as detailed on this page, but with the following note: If any of the the suggested 8 KB files stalled (i.e. "Searching for updates on this computer...") then I did the following:
    1. Press the "Windows" + "r" keys (at the same time) and type in "services.msc" and hit OK
    2. Sort the services by name in descending order and find the "Windows Update" service
    3. Right click "Windows Update" service and select "Restart".
    The KB will then start to progress. I didn't need to do anything else.
    Thanks for this great page!
  • I recently downloaded Windows 7 Professional N x64 .ISO from Microsoft website and then I installed all those files mentioned in this topic yet my Windows Update keeps searching updates for hours and not finding any.
    Can you please help me?
  • A lot of people seem to have different experiences. For me:
    * I did use Internet Explorer (rather than Firefox) on the basis of advice above.
    * I already had KB3065987 installed from 16/07/2015.
    * I tried to install KB3168965 but it said "not applicable to your computer".
    * So I tried KB3172605 as also recommended.
    * I managed to install this from the MS download site.
    * I rebooted twice (possibly I didn't wait long enough with the first reboot).
    * In Windows Update I selected 2 security updates (yes, that's a lot of clicking to clear check marks - if only there was a "clear all" and a "select all" button!).
    * This seemed to get stuck on "(0 KB total, 0% completed)"
    * I disabled Auto Update, as recommended by somebody I believe (Don's suggestion of disconnecting from the internet didn't work)
    * This worked! I then installed those 2 updates.
    * I'm now working on 44 of them. It seemed to have got stuck at 54% downloaded, but since I have been writing this it's moved on to installing.
    * I'm drinking Bollinger champagne. But that's for a different reason. Goes well with success here too!
  • P.S. Why aren't DTG's included in this blog? Here's mine: 201610301855 GMT (or Zulu).
    I have a Dell XPS-9100 desktop with Windows 7 Home Edition. I didn't use this desktop during the summer 2016 very much, using my laptop instead. Last month I started using it and noticed that the wuauserv in the svchost.exe (netsvcs) was using about 12% CPU constantly. And, of course, my Windows Update screen looked exactly like the image you posted—searching for updates (neverending). The updates you suggested worked IMMEDIATELY. Around 3 or 4 were already installed on the computer, but the missing ones did the trick. THANKS AGAIN!
    KB3050265 (More Details)
  • Solution 1 help me, thanks !!! I loooking for most web sites and don't found help, this turtolial its the best, Thanks !!!
    Solution 1 pomogło, szukałem na wielu stronach, ale nie znalazłem skutecznej pomocy, ten poradnik jest najlepszy, dziękuję !!!
  • Tried this EASY method and for rebuilding 5 PC it did work every time FINALLY
    - First I installed Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64 on a new HDD/SSD drive
    - Installed all Drivers for the PC (Using snappy drivers installer)
    - rebooted
    - Activated Windows 7 from internet
    1) Installed Offline Update of Internet Explorer 11
    2) Installed Offline Update of Microsoft Framework
    3) Installed KB3102810
    rebooted between each step.
    after rebooting following step 3
    did a Search for update and after 10-15 min found 200+ updated and it works.
    Hope this help, it took me 3 days to figure out the best way to make it work.
  • Solution 1 worked for me!
    I tried several solutions such as Tech Paul's Easy Fix, Offline WSU and other standalone updates with no results.
    I had to turn off Windows Update service each time BEFORE I started the standalone updates. Once I installed all the standalone updates in Solution 1, I ran Windows Update and it finally downloaded updates like usual.
    Thanks a bunch!
    "NOTE: You may need to temporary disable Windows Update services using Services Manager before installing above mentioned updates."
    This was crucial for it to work for me.
    1. Run the Command Prompt as administrator.
    2. Stop Windows Update services with command 'net stop wuauserv'
    3. Install files
    4. Reboot
    If necessary, start the service again with 'net start wuauserv'.
  • To add to my previous message - it appears i have to stop the service between installation of each individual file, d** n!
  • KB3172605 gets stuck on "searching for installed updates" if the Windows Update Service is on. As Administrator, to into Services, find Windows Update and Stop the service, then install the update.
  • Hi,
    Thank you for your contribution.
    Unfortunately the 8 Updates all start but hang with 'searching for installed updates' on their own.
    I was able to bypass this by opening cmd as admin and to enter: 'net stop wuauserv'
    After that all updates installed and the problem is solved :)
  • Just wanted to add my thanks - after following your easy to understand advise I can report that the long running up-date & svc.host issues on my lap-top have been completely cured. It is now running faster and quieter than for years.
  • I never heard about this issue till I ran into it with my laptop. I thought it was just a bad install from the computer doing a random reboot during the update of the updater. I was able to get the bad install resolved and it still hung up on the checking. Finally found this page and it helped me fix the problem.
    Very big thanks
  • Worked for me.
    Thank you very much!
  • I just wanted to let you know Solution 1 worked for me; however, one trick I learned was after downloading all the updates, I reboot the computer. On start up, I make sure it is not connected to the internet as the computer will automatically start searching for updates again which will slow down the manual installs. Restart as the manual updates require. Unfortunately, I am not sure how long it took to find the updates as I let it run overnight. I do know this was way faster though as it had been searching for 3 FULL days before I started looking for a solution.
    PS. I did Not have any luck with the Convenience Rollup (found that suggestion on other websites). Even though the rollup seemed to install fine, it still would not pick any more updates afterwards and does not install IE 11.
    Very BIG thanks again.
  • Let me add to the chorus of thank you's.
    The updates you listed worked like a charm in my case.
  • Wow, excellent post, thanks.
    Unfortunately it did not fix my issues after going through every single one of them, but then I read Dan's comment underneath the article, and I found that the updates in his answer did do the trick !
    It might have been the combination of all the stuff I've done in this article + Dan's KB's, so both of you, thank you very much ! :-)
  • Update KB3172605 got mine going again. It's now finally downloading and not stuck on Checking for Updates.
  • Thank you, the first solution worked perfectly after a complete shut down and then power on cycle. Updates are downloading now, with progress percentage.
  • Thanks! This worked beautifully and updates are now downloading. I am glad to find away around this annoying problem.
  • Thanks a lot. After hours and hours I found your site. Solution 1 did it. Finally!
  • Finally found your page, after 1 month surfing to work around this problem! Solution 1 works like a charm! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
  • The first resolution worked for me...and I'm so thrilled! I bought a used computer and it had been restored to factory settings...Trying to get my computer to update was making me crazy, but this worked perfectly, so thank you!
  • thanks a million i was messing it for hours and tried this it worked now it is not stuckm on checking for updates for hours you will need to do the cmd and net stop wuauser command to install each one
  • During manual installation of the updates, users have found that Windows Update should be disabled, but not everyone is comfortable using the command prompt. This is the point-and-click method:
    Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Update > Change settings. Click the drop down menu, select "Never check for updates (not recommended)"
    Also important to restart the computer after each update.
  • Hi Guys
    Absolutely brilliant
    I consider myself reasonably techy and have fixed WU numerous times but couldn't on this occasion
    Your fix for Win 7 did the trick - just knowing what updates are missing - mine had 2 of the 8 missing - grrr
    Any way all OK now thanks again
  • I rarely leave feedback, but this really worked. I had a couple of machines that I fixed after a year and both wouldn't communicate with Windows update. Your research and well documented solution greatly helped me! Thank you very much!! :)
  • Finally!! Your solution worked off of a fresh install of W7 32-bit.
    Thank you Sir!!
  • Thank You for your information. Worked and windows update now is updating rest of the updates.
  • Great! Thank you guys for a great summary.
  • Solution 1 worked for me!
    After installing every update i restarted, and my updates popped up after a minute.
  • Solution 1 does it! I had spent two weeks trying different solutions with no success. Be aware the big November 2016 download can do it again though. I have my computer set to ask before installing because of such glitches, then I can pin point the culprit. As soon as the November download installed my updater stopped working. I deleted the file and once again could download.
    Thanks for being there and taking the time to aid all us out here.
  • I'm same as everyone else, tried endlessly for days on end and got nowhere. Solution 1. Perfect.
    But the main thing is the routine i needed to do it.
    Stop Windows update service. Download all the updates.
    Rip the Internet out. As DON SAID. ** This was what made everything work for me **
    Do each update in turn followed by a restart after every one.
    Plug back in, restart Windows Update, fire up windows update.
    I couldn't believe it!!! I had 200 updates ready to install in under 15 minutes.
    Thankyou very, very much for this information. Much appreciated !!!!
  • Update KB3172605 did the job for me, at windows 7 ultimate, 64bit.
    Thanks everyone for this!
  • Solution one (installing the updates) worked! I am so grateful!
  • Solution 1 did it for me. Win7 pro 64bit. As mentioned, I had to stop/disable the Windows Update service for each KB installation to prevent them from hanging. Tried a lot of useless solutions/tools from MS before ending on this page. Thanks to VG and all the people that left comments!
  • Wow! I never leave feedback but this fix worked so well I have to at least Thank You!
    I have been trying to get Update to work for three days now. I needed to start from a four year old clean image and could not get Update to work. Tried all of Microsoft's fixes, reinstalled the image at least three times and tried many other fixes listed on the net but only yours, Solution 1, worked. Installed all 8 recommended updates so not sure which one worked. After installing the updated ran Update manually and in less than ten minutes 218 important updates and 46 optional were listed. THANK YOU.
    ps. Win 7 Ultimate/64 bit/SP1
  • Step 1 works really fine for Win7 Home Premium x64. Be patient, install one by one in the same order. In addition I have been restarting system after each update and stopping Windows Update in services.msc. After final restart I have started Windows Update and it took him like 5 minutes or so to find and start downloading other updates.
    Thanks to all involved in making our lives a bit better.
  • THANK YOU SO MUCH! This is by far the most helpful article on this issue! I've spent hours and hours googling this issue and every site was saying the same 2 useless things to try. I was losing my mind trying to fix this and had given up many times in the past. Turns out i was just missing 2 updates mentioned in Solution 1 and it was solved after installing them manually. So simple!
    win7 ultimate x64
  • I came very late to this problem of Windows 7 not updating. The solutions proposed by ASKVG in Solution #1 worked just fine, and all is now well.
    Caution: it is mentioned that Windows Update should be turned off or disabled before downloading these patches. I found that when I disabled Windows Update, the download would not work at all. Using "Stop" Windows Update in Control Panel - Services - Windows Update did the trick. CAUTION: as most of these patches require a restart, I found that this automatically RESTARTS Windows Update. Not realizing this, I kept trying the other downloads only to faced with the original problem - nothing would download. SOLUTION: be sure to disable Windows Update AFTER EACH RESTART.
  • No date in post and in comments? It is reasonable?
  • the manual updates just sit at "searching for updates on this computer" ive left it for hours and nothing worked, even that fix it tool did not work
  • Before downloading these updates stop the current check for updates:
    Command prompt
    "net stop wuauserv" enter
    "net stop bits" enter
    Go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
    Delete all the contents
    Then you would be able download these updates manually
  • Stopping the current check for updates worked for me
  • Solution 1 (with 8 MSU files) works on W7SP1 :-)
    I stopped Update Service before installation of each MSU using "Stop" Windows Update in Control Panel - Services - Windows Update. This prevent from long "searching for updates on this computer" before installation of MSU.
  • Great solution. Works great on win7. Thanks a lot :) !
  • thank you it was what you said. i did a system restore and could not up date your awsome
  • man i have to say thank you again so glad there is people like you could have never fig it out without you. Thanks
  • After three days of trying to fix my friends laptop, this solution worked perfect.
  • Hi,
    A really helpful article. I had one problem, though, which is that I couldn't install any of the listed files in Solution 1, as the only program on my computer which I had to do it with was 'Windows Standalone Update Agent' (or whatever it's called - it comes up automatically when you try to open these files) - and the first thing this does is check for updates! - which results in the forever stuck situation.
    I found a way round it, though, that worked for me, as follows:
    Download the files listed in Solution 1 (i.e. 'save' rather than 'open')
    Install NTLIte from http://www.askvg.com/download-nlite-for-windows-7-windows-8-and-windows-8-1/
    Click on 'Wizard'.
    Click on 'Install updates'.
    Click on 'Add' and select all of the update files. They'll now be listed in the 'update queue' in NTLite.
    Click on 'Apply'
    (Say 'yes' to the dialogue box)
    Click on the 'Process' button
    (Say 'yes' to the dialogue box)
    Reboot, and windows update should now work properly.
    (Note: the large KB3125574 file will show as red in the update queue and NTLite won't install it, but that's ok as it's not needed. If it isn't placed in the update queue however NTLite will refuse another of the updates on the grounds that KB3125574 is a prerequisite for it).
    Hope it works for you!
  • RMF: Recently (~11/25/16) I was installing a fresh copy of "Windows 7 Pro x64 oem" on a new SSD and was having an impossible time with Windows Update stalling for days on end. Thankfully I stumbled upon this article!! Thanks!!!!!
    I used Solution 1 and installed all 8 KB's. It was a little tricky at first. I couldn't get the patches to install as they invoked the Update Service and went into the long (forever?) loop. So, I disabled the Windows Update Service in "Computer Management - Services and Applications - Services" and then scrolled to Windows Update. It wasn't sufficient to "Stop" the service. I had to "Disable" it to make it stop.
    Unfortunately, the KB's would not install whatsoever. So I re-enabled the Windows Update service and made sure it was running. Then I went to "Control Panel - Windows Update - Change Settings" and set it to "Never Check For Updates". I don't know which of these two "changes" helped (or both?), but the KB's installed quickly and easily after that. Several reboots involved.
    Then I did the convenience rollup KB and it ran easily, too. Then I went back to "Control Panel - Windows Update - Change Settings" and set it to "Check For Updates but let me choose whether to download and install them" and let the normal Widows Update take over. Update responded quickly, but off course it took a while for all the patches to complete.
  • Sollution 1 worked, many thanks!!
  • Solution 1 worked for me. Thank you a lot!
    I have had a problematic Win Update issue for almost 6 months and have tried various resetting and diagnosing tools with no luck till trying yours!
  • Thanks a lot gentlemen!
    This is excatly what I was searching for (sereral weeks, for a fow days).
    MS failed hard to hide this download locations for the promotion of MS Windows 10...
    Great teamwork and very usefull for me...
    Greetings from The Netherlands :-)
  • Thank you so much for this solution! I had to shut down the Windows Update Service, and then I was able to install the 8 updates (some of which were already installed). After that, Windows Update worked again. I had turned off Windows Update early in the year to get it to stop trying to install Windows 10. Now I am finally able to turn it on again.
  • THANK YOU! Got this working with solution 1. Finally!! Kudos to you, VG!
  • I read half way down the comments and gave up - after I had used this method to kick start the updates on a clean install of 7x64. This works, but some people might need a little additional direction. Each of these steps is important.
    Make sure you are using an Administrator account for all of this.
    Begin by restarting the computer. This will end any on-going updates or other processes that will otherwise interfere.
    Delete, move or rename the Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder. Get rid of it, this process will make a new, clean set. You might have to do it in safe mode.
    Download and save all 8 updates listed and the rollup. Save them in a folder (I use C:\Downloads\Update KickStart\1, \2, \3, etc. and \Rollup. In the end you will likely want to copy this to a USB key for next time.
    Run the updates in order and restart each time it asks to do so.
    Smile and thank VG for his efforts and his sharing. He just saved you a whole lot of time and effort.
  • Hands down. This problem has been bugging me for weeks now. Problem fixed after first step. Finally I can focus in enjoying my new rig. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Words cannot express how gratefull I am. If you are recieving donations, please E-mail me, and Ill donate.
  • Bless your ever lovin' heart!!! I've been struggling with this for about a week now, and nothing (*nothing*) has worked. I installed the 8 (64b) updates. (I had to re-stop the Windows Update service after each install.) I got a message that the last one didn't apply to my computer, so ignored it.) Rebooted and tried to Update, it went back to hanging. After several reboots I decided to try to install the last update again, and lo and behold, it installed. I figured I'd just let the Updater run at 3:00 a.m. and like always, just let it hang all night. However, I just looked at a new icon that's popped up in my notification area and apparently Windows is right now downloading updates. Lawdy Mama!!!!! THANK YOU!!
  • Thank you very much. My problem solved.
  • And just as a final update to my issue, 149 updates installed, and I'm back in business! Thanks very much again! (I've now set updates to install automatically to hopefully avoid that tyrannical Windows 10 update forever.)
  • thank you a million for this guide. i am taking care of dozens of computers for a foundation and have endlessly struggled with this problem. solution 1 worked like a charm!!!!!!
  • thank you for this article. ive kept running into this over and over and never could get it fixed without having to format. thanks for posting!
  • You solved my problem - worked over 2 weeks daily until i found your site. Just loaded 230+ updates without a problem............ THANKS!
  • You guys are the freaking Bomb! I have been trying for days to get the updates to install on a system I am working on. I have never had so many issues with Win updates. After trying several things I came across this page and method 1 worked for me the first time. Setup was Samsung NP520U4C. originally installed with Win 8 downgraded to Win 7 Ultimate. The disk I was given by my client did not include service pack 1, so initially about 20 updates installed. After the first round it sat for almost 2 days looking for updates. Again, I tried several different suggestions and things I have done in the past. None of them worked....so thanks much for posting this awesome fix. Kudos!
  • Thank you very much my friend. your first option helped me after 5 days of having the same problem.
  • Your solution for my fresh install of Win7 64x SP1 version worked like a charm. 212 updates (for starters) showed up within 2 minutes after 6 hours of waiting before. Thank you!
  • Many thanks for the comment from Enrico, I could not get standalone updates to install at all in Windows 7 X64, restarted it in services like you instructed, did the KB3172605 update, and had Windows Update working again within minutes, after having left the computer on three days straight on two different occasions! So glad I found this thread, and many thanks, again, for all the helpful suggestions!