
運行 Bootrec.exe

 如果Windows開機修復不起作用,則可以在Windows 11/10/8/7中使用Bootrec.exe修復克隆的SSD無法啟動的問題。

1. 從 Windows 安裝光碟開機。選擇 "修復您的電腦" -> "疑難排解" -> "進階選項" -> "命令提示字元"。

2. 在彈出的命令提示字元中,輸入以下命令來修復 Windows 10/11 無法開機的問題。

Adjustable parameters

Depending on your situation, you can choose one of four options for fixing boot errors:

1. Bootrec.exe / fixmbr: needed to fix problems with MBR corruption, also allows you to remove non-standard code from the MBR (this option does not overwrite the existing partition table).

2. Bpptrec.exe / fixboot: This option writes a new boot sector to the system partition. It can be used when:

  • The boot sector gives way to non-standard boot Windows Vista and Windows 7-10.
  • The boot sector has been corrupted somehow.
  • An earlier Windows OS is installed after installing Windows Vista and Windows 7-10.

3. Bootrec.exe / scanOs: Helps when Windows Vista, 7, 8, or 10 installations are not listed in the Boot Manager menu.

4. Bootrec.exe / rebuildbcd: Used to completely rebuild the BCD store.


T48 燒錄器出問題

Xgpro (v12.60) -> Tools(V)-> System Self-check 出現以下錯誤: ( T48 firmware Ver. 1.28)

解法 : 安裝新版 Xgpro (v12.63) 程式, 再插入 T48, 之後即可 refresh firmware to Ver. 1.30. 即可解決. 
           *** 注意夾具必須先鬆開
困擾 : 在 T48 出問題及無新版 Xgpro 程式更新的情況下, 即使重新安裝 Xgpro 程式, 或降版都無法 refresh firmware. 有甚麼方式強制更新 firmware. (c:\updateII.dat, updateT48.dat, updateT56.dat)

I think I found what to do at the bottom of the readme https://github.com/blurpy/minipro

Update firmware

You wont find the firmware as a standalone download, so you need to download the Windows software Xgpro from the homepage. If the homepage is too slow, there is a mirror here: https://github.com/Kreeblah/XGecu_Software

Unrar the downloaded file to find a Windows executable. Unrar the executable to find the firmware file updateII.dat. Both unar and unrar are examples of tools that can extract the files.

$ unar XgproV1181_Setup.rar
$ unar XgproV1181_Setup.exe
$ unrar x XgproV1181_Setup.rar
$ unrar x XgproV1181_Setup.exe

Update the firmware like this:

$ minipro -F updateII.dat


I tried to update the firmware using a virtual machine with Windows and the official Xgpro software once. The programmer was functioning fine in the VM, but updating the firmware failed with no reason given. The programmer did not function anymore after that. Any command issued with minipro gave me the message "Found TL866II+ in bootloader mode" and quit. After reading this issue it looked like the firmware update process in minipro is much more reliable than the official software, so I tested, and the update completed successfully, and the programmer was once again working.

minipro 是 linux 程式, windows 下的 xgpro.exe 是否也有類似的 options 呢?


How to share folder of Windows host to Debian 12 Guest OS on Vmware Workstation

 1. virtual machine setting->Options->Shared Folders

2. check whether any shared folders are available:


3. edit /etc/fstab and add:

vmhgfs-fuse /mnt/hgfs fuse defaults,allow_other 0 0

4. make sure the target folder exists. If not:

sudo mkdir /mnt/hgfs

5. the remount:

sudo mount -a 


vmware workstation pro no sound

 Host OS : Windows 10

Guest OS : debian 12


Solution : Install Audio driver from ASUS. Then enable "Stereo MIX"


富邦證券的E01交易軟體, 使用及新安裝時出現亂碼


解法 : 設定>時間與語言>語言>系統管理語言設定(在右側)>系統管理>變更系統地區設定>取消 "Beta : 使用 Unicode UTF-8 提供全球語言支援(U)">重開機



 作用就是重新編譯一遍 UI. retranslateUi 給這些widgets賦值文本和標題,需要翻譯的順便翻譯了

一般放在 UI 設計代碼的後面.