如果Windows開機修復不起作用,則可以在Windows 11/10/8/7中使用Bootrec.exe修復克隆的SSD無法啟動的問題。
1. 從 Windows 安裝光碟開機。選擇 "修復您的電腦" -> "疑難排解" -> "進階選項" -> "命令提示字元"。
2. 在彈出的命令提示字元中,輸入以下命令來修復 Windows 10/11 無法開機的問題。
Adjustable parameters
Depending on your situation, you can choose one of four options for fixing boot errors:
1. Bootrec.exe / fixmbr: needed to fix problems with MBR corruption, also allows you to remove non-standard code from the MBR (this option does not overwrite the existing partition table).
2. Bpptrec.exe / fixboot: This option writes a new boot sector to the system partition. It can be used when:
- The boot sector gives way to non-standard boot Windows Vista and Windows 7-10.
- The boot sector has been corrupted somehow.
- An earlier Windows OS is installed after installing Windows Vista and Windows 7-10.
3. Bootrec.exe / scanOs: Helps when Windows Vista, 7, 8, or 10 installations are not listed in the Boot Manager menu.
4. Bootrec.exe / rebuildbcd: Used to completely rebuild the BCD store.